
Press trip in Svizzera tra aziende del settore latteario e zootecnico

by - 19:13

E' stata prorogata di qualche giorno la scadenza per iscriversi a questo press trip riservato a giornalisti specializzati. Inviare entro il 30 settembre le candidature a unaga@wigwamcircuit.org

La Federation of Swiss Agricultural Journalists organizza una visita per giornalisti con interesse per il settore lattiero-caseario e zootecnia dal 27 al 29 ottobre in Charmey (Friburgo) per parlare di produzione del latte, abolizione delle quote del latte e globalizzazione del mercato del latte.
Verrà pagato il seminario ad un giornalista per Paese con conoscenza della lingua inglese. Dettagli per l’organizzazione saranno a richiesta inviati ai colleghi associati alle ARGA interessati.

Dear journalists, dear colleagues
On behalf of Markus Rediger and Roland Wyss we are pleased to invite you or a colleague from your country to Switzerland for a seminar on the topics of dairy production, the abolition of milk quotas and the globalisation of milk markets. We would like to invite one journalist from each IFAJ-member country who covers the topic of milk (Dairy, markets, globalization, food production). Some colleagues from Europe and further afield have asked us about how we implemented the abolition of milk quotas. The cost of the seminar in Switzerland will be covered by the Federation of Swiss Agricultural Journalists (SAJ) and sponsors.
The aim of the press tour is to increase awareness and to discuss current developments in the milk market and agricultural policy. To exchange thoughts and opinions about the consequences and experience of abolishing milk quotas in Switzerland in view of the planned abolition of quotas in the EU in 2015. Experience of Swiss products which are well known worldwide (Gruyère cheese, Nestlé products, etc.) and to exchange ideas with our colleagues and specialists.
Please send the registration form back soon, the number of participants is limited. The deadline of registration is 20 September 2013. For more details see attached program.
We are looking forward to this seminar and welcome you to Switzerland!
Best regards
Barbara Berner

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